The Application and Research Progress of Artificial Intelligence in Corneal Related Diseases
摘要: 人工智能(artificial intelligence,AI)是计算机领域的前沿科学,近年来在众多领域发展迅猛,其在眼科的研究和应用也日益增多。AI在角膜相关疾病领域的研究主要包括圆锥角膜的早期诊断及分级、角膜屈光手术相关评估、感染性角膜炎的分类及程度判断、角膜移植术后再干预的评估等,主要采用的算法包括神经网络、支持向量机及决策树,模型的灵敏度和特异度均达90%以上。AI可为医生提供客观的临床决策、为患者提供精准的治疗奠定基础。本文将对近年来AI在角膜相关疾病领域的应用研究进行综述。Abstract: Artificial intelligence(AI)is the frontier of computer science. In recent years, AI has developed rapidly in many fields, and its research in ophthalmology is also increasing. The research of AI in corneal related diseases mainly includes the early diagnosis and grading of keratoconus, preoperative evaluation of corneal refractive surgery, prediction of surgical parameters, judgment of the classification and degree of infectious keratitis, evaluation of reintervention after corneal transplantation, auxiliary detection of corneal nerve endings in diabetic peripheral neuropathy, and screening of pterygium. Through the neural network, the support vector machine, and the decision tree, the sensitivity and specificity of the model can reach more than 90%. AI can provide objective clinical decision-making for clinicians and precise clinical treatments for patients. This article reviews the research of AI in corneal diseases in recent years.
Key words:
- artificial intelligence /
- corneal diseases /
- keratoconus /
- refractive surgery
表 1 圆锥角膜相关AI研究
年份(年) 研究者 图像采集仪器 样本量(n) 分组情况 输入参数 AI算法 评价指标 AUC 灵敏度 特异度 2020 Kuo[16] TMS-4 326 圆锥角膜组,正常对照组 / VGG16 0.931 0.917 0.944 Inception 0.931 0.917 0.944 V3 0.958 0.944 0.972 2019 Kamiya[17] CASIA 304 Ⅰ~Ⅳ级圆锥角膜组,正常对照组 / ResNet152 / 1.000 0.984 2019 Lavric[18] Pentacam 1350 圆锥角膜组,正常对照组 / CNN 0.993 / / 2019 Issarti[19] Pentacam 838 中重度圆锥角膜组,可疑圆锥角膜组,正常对照组 / FNN 0.966 0.956 0.978 2018 Yousefi[20] CASIA 3156 Ⅰ~Ⅳ级圆锥角膜组,正常对照组 420个 非监督ML / 0.977 0.941 2017 Hidalgo[21] Pentacam 135 圆锥角膜组,角膜屈光术后组,正常对照组 22个 CNN 0.989 0.991 0.985 2016 Hidalgo[22] Pentacam 860 圆锥角膜组,顿挫型圆锥角膜组,正常对照组 25个 SVM 0.989 0.991 / 2016 Kovács[23] Pentacam 135 双侧圆锥角膜组,单侧圆锥角膜组,正常对照组 15个 MLPNN 0.99 0.901.00 0.900.95 2013 Smadja[24] Gailei 372 圆锥角膜组,顿挫型圆锥角膜组,正常对照组 55个 决策树 / 0.995 1.00 2012 Arbelaez[25] Sirius 3502 圆锥角膜组,顿挫型圆锥角膜组,角膜屈光术后组,正常对照组 7个 SVM 0.982 0.95 0.993 2010 Souza[26] OrbscanⅡ 318 圆锥角膜组,角膜屈光术后组,正常对照组 / SVM 0.99 1.00 1.00 MLPNN 0.99 1.00 1.00 RBFNN 0.99 0.98 0.98 2005 Twa[27] Keratron 244 圆锥角膜组,正常对照组 / 决策树 0.93 0.93 0.92 2002 Accardo[28] EyeSys 396 圆锥角膜组,正常对照组 9个 CNN 0.967 0.976 0.941 1997 Smolek[29] TMS-1 300 圆锥角膜组,可疑圆锥角膜组 10个 CNN 1.00 1.00 1.00 AI:人工智能;AUC:曲线下面积;CNN:卷积神经网络;FNN:前馈神经网络;ML:机器学习;SVM:支持向量机;MLPNN:多层感知器神经网络;RBFNN:径向基函数神经网络 -
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