Academic Influence of the Pharmacy Department of Peking Union Medical College Hospital from 1921 to 1951
摘要: 通过回顾和整理文献发现,1921—1951年北京协和医院药剂科在职员工共发表61篇论文、编著出版6部著作和5版处方集,参编1部《中华药典》。本文详细梳理和分析文献内容,探讨北京协和医院药剂科在建院之初的学术影响力,以及对我国医药事业发展所作的重要贡献。Abstract: The publications written by the employees of the Pharmacy Department of Peking Union Medical College Hospital from 1921 to 1951 were searched and reviewed systematically. A total of 61 publications, 5 versions of formularies and 6 books have been found so far. The Chinese Pharmacopeia published in 1930 was also involved. Above finding demonstrated a profound and great influence of the early generation of our department on the development of Chinese medical science and pharmaceutical science.
图 1 1927年北京协和医院年报记录的药剂科主任康约翰所发论文题录[3]
表 1 1921—1951年北京协和医院药剂科最早发表的20篇论文
序号 发表年份(年) 作者 文题 发表杂志 1 1921 Cameron J Impressions of my first visit to the President of the Chinese Republic The Pharmaceutical Journal and Pharmacist 2 1923 Cameron J The System of Receiving and Issuing Prescriptions in Peking The Pharmaceutical Journal and Pharmacist 3 1923 Cameron J Formulary. A List of Drugs and Preparations Selected as Official for Use in Peking Union Medical College Hospital The Journal of American Medical Association 4 1923 康约翰(张沛霖译) 毒药及含毒性药之贮藏检验调剂法 中华医学杂志 5 1923 Cameron J A Note on The Storing, Checking and Dispensing of Poisons and all Poisonous Preparations The National Medical Journal 6 1923 Cameron J A Note on the Preparation of “Carrel-Dakin” Solution China Medical Journal 7 1923 Cameron J A Further Note on the Preparation of “Carrel-Dakin” Solution China Medical Journal 8 1923 Cameron J Insecticides and Germicides in China China Medical Journal 9 1923 Cameron J Insecticides and Germicides in China The Pharmaceutical Journal and Pharmacist 10 1923 Cameron J Weihaiwei-Shantung-China The Pharmaceutical Journal and Pharmacist 11 1923 Cameron J A Short Note on the Common Chlorine Antiseptics The National Medical Journal 12 1924 Cameron J “ADRENALIN” The National Medical Journal 13 1924 Cameron J The Chemical Purity of Carbon Tetrachloride(四氯化碳的化学纯度) China Medical Journal 14 1925 康约翰 北京药业最近之情形 化学药业杂志 15 1925 康约翰(张沛霖译) 论文: 北京协和医学校调药术之一班(附图十幅) 化学药业杂志 16 1925 Cameron J Formulary of the Peking Union Medical College, Second Edition, P.U.M.C.Press 1924 JAPhA 17 1925 Cameron J Hydrogen Peroxide The National Medical Journal 18 1925 康约翰 The System of Receiving and Issuing Prescriptions in Peking China Medical Journal 19 1925 康约翰 Eradication of the Cockroach(消灭蟑螂) China Medical Journal 20 1925 Cameron J,Chen KK The Old and the New in Pharmacy in China The Pharmaceutical Journal and Pharmacist 表 2 1921—1951年北京协和医院药剂科出版著作一览表
出版年份(年) 作者 书名(英文) 书名(中文) 页数(n) 出版社 - 康约翰 List of 100 Test Prescriptions with Notes and Comments on Each Prescription 100张测试处方及其注解 39 [Peipking]P.U.M.C. Press 1929 康约翰 Qualitative Chemical Analysis Tables - 15 [Peiping] North China Pharmaceutical Society 1929 康约翰 Posological and Percentage Tables - 103 [Peiping] North China Pharmaceutical Society 1930 康约翰 Elementary Quantitative Analysis for Pharmaceutical Students 初级药科定量分析化学 33 [Peiping] North China Pharmaceutical Society//华北药学会,The Leader Press 1930 康约翰 Special Short Course in Practical Pharmacy 实习制药简义说明 84 [Peiping] P.U.M.C.Press 1931 孟目的 Posology-Percentage-Poisons 剂量学:百分比:毒药 - - -: 仅见于图书卡片或医院档案[2],或具体信息不详 表 3 1921—1951年北京协和医院药剂科出版处方集一览表
版次 出版年份(年) 处方集名称 出版单位 监制 出版社 页数(n) 药品数(n) 制剂数(n) 尺寸(cm) 1 1922 Formulary Peking Union Medical College the Hospital Committee on the Peking Union College P.U.M.C. Press, Peking China 39 189 46 11.0×19.0 2 1924 Formulary Peking Union Medical College the Hospital Committee on the Peking Union College P.U.M.C. Press, Peking China 47 215 54 11.0 ×19.0 3 1927 Formulary Peking Union Medical College The committee on the Hospital P.U.M.C. Press, Peking China 67 230 54 9.0 × 14.5 4 1932 Formulary Peiping Union Medical College The committee on the Hospital P.U.M.C. Press,Peiping China 69 240 55 9.0 × 14.5 5 1942 Handbook of Therapy and Formulary Peiping Union Medical College Hospital Hamilton H. Anderson, Shih-hao Liu and Arthur Tye Jen Li Press,Peking China 168 293 52 11.0 ×19.0 -
[1] 北京协和医学院. 协和史事纪要[A]. 北京协和医学院档案中心, 515卷. [2] Patrick C. British pharmacists and the Peking Union Medical College Hospital, 1910—1941[J]. Pharm Hist(Lond), 2017, 47: 57-65. [3] Nineteenth Annual Report of the Medical Superintendent of the Peking Union Medical College Hospital[A]. Peking: P.U.M.C. Press, 1927: 12, 33. [4] 华北药学会. 鸣谢[J]. 药刊, 1931, 1: 3. [5] 杜万亨. 教育股功作报告[J]. 药刊, 1931, 1: 47-48. [6] 孟目的. 研究股功作报告[J]. 药刊, 1931, 1: 51-53. [7] Formulary. A List of Drugs and Preparations Selected as Official for Use in Peking Union Medical College Hospital[J]. JAMA, 1923, 81: 1137. [8] Meng MD. My thoughts on participating in the compilation of pharmacopoeia three times[J]. Chin Pharm Bull, 1953, 1: 450-451. [9] 黄宜, 孟昭仪, 孟宪维. 孟目的传略[J]. 中华医史杂志, 2020, 50: 176-192. -