New Advances in Anesthesia Management of Enhanced Recovery After Surgery in Craniotomy
摘要: 加速术后康复(enhanced recovery after surgery, ERAS)是指围术期通过一系列基于循证医学证据的措施,减小手术创伤、降低并发症发生、促进患者术后康复的管理理念,良好的麻醉管理是其重要内容。开颅手术具有手术时间长、并发症发生率高的特点。近年来,随着医学技术不断进步,ERAS理念逐渐应用于开颅手术,并取得快速发展。本文对开颅手术实施ERAS麻醉管理的最新进展进行梳理和总结。Abstract: Enhanced recovery after surgery (ERAS) is a new perioperative management concept with a series of evidence-based clinical optimization protocols to minimize surgical stress response, reduce postoperative complications and enhance patients' recovery. Anesthesia management is an important content of ERAS for the approach of a multidisciplinary team. Craniotomy is one of the most high-risk operations with a long duration and a high rate of complication. In recent years, the clinical research and implementation of ERAS management in craniotomy have gradually been carried out and rapidly developed. This article reviews the new progress in anesthesia management of ERAS in craniotomy.
Key words:
- enhanced recovery after surgery /
- craniotomy /
- anesthesia management /
- perioperative
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