Application of Human-Computer Interaction Technology in Ancillary Diagnosis of Nervous System Diseases: Current Situation and Prospect
摘要: 随着人机交互技术的发展,如何利用智能、自然、高效的交互方式促进医学的发展,是近年来研究的热点问题。神经系统疾病极大影响了人们的日常生活质量,利用人机交互技术对神经系统疾病进行早期预警与辅助诊断,可在提高患者检查舒适感的同时,减轻医生工作强度,因此具有深远的临床意义。本文通过论述人机交互技术在神经系统疾病辅助诊断中的应用现状、存在问题及发展前景,思考如何利用计算机技术改进传统医学诊断方法。Abstract: With the development of human-computer interaction, how to use intelligent, natural and efficient methods to promote the development of the medical field has become a hot topic of research. Nervous system diseases have a great impact on the quality of people's daily life. Using the method of human-computer interaction for early warning and ancillary diagnosis of nervous system diseases can reduce discomfort of patients during exams and work intensity of doctors, which is of great significance to both doctors and patients. This paper discusses the application status, existing problems, future development of human-computer interaction in the ancillary diagnosis of nervous system diseases, and how to use computer technology to improve traditional medical diagnosis methods from the perspective of interaction.
Key words:
- human-computer interaction /
- medical treatment /
- nervous system diseases
表 1 基于人机交互的神经系统疾病辅助诊断技术及其临床应用
交互模式 设备 交互任务 病理体征 计算特征 诊断疾病 笔交互[7-12] 触控屏
电子笔笔迹任务:阿基米德螺旋线和重复的字母书写 手部震颤、僵硬、运动迟缓 位移相关
压力相关帕金森病 绘图任务:TMT和CDT 手部震颤、僵硬、缓慢认知降低 位移相关
血管性认知障碍语音交互[16-21] 麦克风 连续性语句 呼吸节奏、共振协调性、发音和韵律改变 语音识别相关
认知能力衰退持续元音发音 震动不规律、噪音、嘶哑 声带震动相关
全身性阵发性肌张力障碍步态交互[23-24, 26-28] 传感器
摄像头指令站立与行走测试 小碎步、冻结步态、平衡能力下降 位移相关
脑瘫生理计算[30-32, 34-35] 脑电图
肌电图脑电图:无特定任务和视觉注意力任务 脑电波信号异常 相位振幅波形相关
多发性硬化症肌电图:肘屈曲 肌肉电信号异常 相位相关
振幅相关帕金森病 -
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