Effect of Heat Treatment on the Interaction Mechanism and Digestibility of Soybean Protein Isolate-Curcumin
摘要: 为了探究热处理对大豆分离蛋白-姜黄素复合物结构和互作机理的影响,研究了不同热处理温度(75、80、85、90、95 ℃)下大豆分离蛋白对姜黄素的包埋率以及其复合物粒径、电位、二级结构、三级结构,及其在体外消化率的变化。结果表明,85 ℃条件下热处理有利于大豆蛋白与姜黄素结合,形成稳定的复合物,包埋率达89.13%。此时液滴粒径大小为163.33 nm,电位值为−24.30 mV,总巯基和表面疏水性达到最大值分别为3.82 μmol/g和3814±20,此时蛋白结构最为舒展,体系最稳定,有利于提高体外模拟消化释放率。该实验结果证明热处理可提高大豆蛋白与姜黄素的结合,有利于后续对大豆蛋白、姜黄素复合物的创新和开发。Abstract: The effects of different heat treatment temperatures (75, 80, 85, 90, 95 ℃) on the embedding rate, particle size, zeta, secondary structure, tertiary structure and its digestibility in vitro of soybean protein isolate-curcumin complexes were studied in order to explore the structure and interaction mechanism of complexes. The results showed that heat treatment at 85 ℃ was the best to combine soybean protein isolate with curcumin. Meanwhile, the embedding rate reached 89.13%, the particle size was 163.33 nm, and the potential value was −24.30 mV. The total sulfhydryl group and surface hydrophobicity of complex reached the maximum, 3.82 μmol/g and 3814±20, which indicated that the protein structure was stretch to stable and interact with curcumin to improve the digestibility in vitro. It was also concluded that the binding effect of soybean protein isolate and curcumin was enhanced by heat treatment. The result would be beneficial to the innovation and development of soybean protein isolate and curcumin complex.
Key words:
- soybean protein isolate /
- curcumin /
- heat treatment /
- interaction /
- digestive property
表 1 不同热处理温度下SPI对Cur的包埋率(EE)和包埋量(EA)
Table 1. The EE and EA of SPI to Cur at different heat treatment temperatures
指标 未处理 75 ℃ 80 ℃ 85 ℃ 90 ℃ 95 ℃ 包埋率EE(%) 78.60±0.30 82.80±0.12 84.30±0.16 89.13±0.22 88.05±0.18 86.60±0.10 包埋量EA(μg/mg SPI) 2.94±0.10 3.31±0.20 3.37±0.20 3.56±0.10 3.52±0.10 3.32±0.20 表 2 不同热处理温度下SPI-Cur复合物的粒径和电位
Table 2. Particle size and Zeta potential of SPI-Cur complex at different heat treatment temperatures
组别 Dz(nm) PDI ζ-电势(mV) 未处理 73.00±1.75 0.326±0.031 −20.70±2.06 75 ℃ 110.32±3.81 0.308±0.073 −23.10±3.44 80 ℃ 130.67±5.24 0.223±0.040 −23.80±2.23 85 ℃ 163.33±1.66 0.203±0.031 −24.30±1.91 90 ℃ 166.10±3.61 0.478±0.098 −17.50±4.29 95 ℃ 223.23±6.02 0.497±0.039 −18.10±1.71 表 3 不同热处理温度下复合物蛋白质二级结构组成
Table 3. Secondary structure content of protein of complex at different heat treatment temperatures
样品 α-螺旋(%) β-折叠(%) β-转角(%) 无规则卷曲(%) SPI 17.43±0.23b 48.98±0.23a 15.50±0.23c 18.10±0.23b 未处理SPI-Cur 19.70±0.23d 51.56±0.23c 13.33±0.23a 16.42±0.23a SPI-Cur 75 ℃ 18.85±0.23cd 51.07±0.23c 13.86±0.23a 16.22±0.23a SPI-Cur 80 ℃ 19.03±0.23d 50.86±0.23b 13.39±0.23a 16.72±0.23ab SPI-Cur 85 ℃ 18.27±0.23c 49.14±0.23a 13.88±0.23a 16.70±0.23ab SPI-Cur 90 ℃ 17.61±0.23b 50.05±0.23b 13.97±0.23ab 18.37±0.23c SPI-Cur 95 ℃ 16.19±0.23a 48.39±0.23a 14.46±0.23b 20.99±0.23d 注:同列不同小写字母表示差异显著(P<0.05)。 表 4 SPI-Cur复合物模拟体外消化中姜黄素的释放率(%)
Table 4. Release rates of digested curcumin of the SPI-Cur complex in vitro (%)
阶段 时间(min) 未处理 75 ℃ 80 ℃ 85 ℃ 90 ℃ 95 ℃ 胃消化 0 − − − − − − 30 24.45±0.12 23.70±0.30 18.30±0.16 17.13±0.12 17.05±0.18 17.60±0.10 肠消化 60 25.98±0.20 25.84±0.12 27.30±0.20 23.74±0.25 20.25±0.10 22.70±0.20 90 28.12±0.34 28.35±0.42 32.30±0.34 30.65±0.22 26.37±0.20 25.64±0.15 120 29.04±0.23 29.86±0.21 34.14±0.18 37.12±0.24 31.85±0.35 30.64±0.34 150 30.22±0.11 31.94±0.10 36.57±0.20 39.56±0.10 34.52±0.15 35.32±0.20 -
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