Rapid Detection of Cadmium and Arsenic in Dried Auricularia auricula by High Definition X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometry
摘要: 高清X射线荧光(high definition X-ray fluorescence,HDXRF)光谱技术应用于干制黑木耳样品中镉和砷元素的快速检测。将干制黑木耳样品进行前处理,对样品颗粒粒径、样品量和检测时间等因素进行优化,并评价方法的精密度、重复性和稳定性等。结果表明,最优检测条件为:颗粒粒径100目,样品量0.80 g,检测时间600 s。HDXRF法分析样品的总时间不超过15 min。HDXRF法得到的Cd和As的检出限分别为:0.035和0.012 mg/kg。HDXRF法精密度、重复性和稳定性的相对标准偏差(relative standard deviation, RSD)均低于10%。最后对HDXRF法和电感耦合等离子体质谱(inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry, ICP-MS)法的检测结果进行比较,其结果的相对误差值均小于20%。说明HDXRF法能够满足干制黑木耳中镉和砷快速检测的要求。
- 高清X射线荧光(HDXRF)光谱法 /
- 黑木耳 /
- 镉 /
- 砷 /
- 快速检测
Abstract: The contents of cadmium and arsenic in dried Auricularia auricula were rapidly detected by high definition X-ray fluorescence (HDXRF) spectrometry. In the process of the experiment, the dried Auricularia auricula samples were pre-treated, and the three experimental conditions of particle size, sample weight, and instrument measurement time were optimized. Figures of merit such as precision, reproducibility, and stability were evaluated. The results showed that, the optimal detection conditions of HDXRF were: particle size of 100 meshes, sample weight of 0.80 g, and measurement time of 600 s. This method allowed direct detection of cadmium and arsenic in 15 min, and a detection limit of 0.035 mg/kg of cadmium and 0.012 mg/kg of arsenic, respectively. The relative standard deviations (RSD) of precision, reproducibility and stability of HDXRF were all below 10%. Finally, the results of HDXRF were compared with inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). The results were accurate and the relative errors were less than 20%. It indicates that the method of HDXRF can meet the rapid detection requirements of cadmium and arsenic in dried Auricularia auricula. -
表 1 正交试验因素水平表
Table 1. Factors and levels of the orthogonal experiment
水平 因素 A 颗粒粒径(目) B 样品量(g) C 检测时间(s) 1 80 0.7 300 2 100 0.8 600 3 120 0.9 900 表 2 HDXRF法检测计数率的L9 (34)正交试验设计
Table 2. L9 (34) orthogonal test for detection counting rates by HDXRF
试验号 A B C 计数率(cps) Cd As 1 1 1 1 602 302 2 1 2 2 1770 789 3 1 3 3 1530 692 4 2 1 2 2075 793 5 2 2 3 2072 642 6 2 3 1 667 421 7 3 1 3 1937 635 8 3 2 1 796 399 9 3 3 2 2028 702 Cd K1 3902 4614 2065 K2 4814 4638 5873 K3 4761 4225 5539 R 304 138 1269 As K1 1783 1730 1122 K2 1856 1830 2284 K3 1736 1815 1969 R 40 33 387 优化组合及影响大小 Cd C2>A2>B2 As C2>A2>B2 表 3 HDXRF法的检出限和定量限测试结果
Table 3. The results of LOD and LOQ of HDXRF
元素 线性范围(mg/kg) 线性方程 相关系数 检出限(mg/kg) 定量限(mg/kg) Cd 0.12~0.5 Y=1.2030x−0.0182 0.9967 0.035 0.117 As 0.04~0.6 Y=0.8462x+0.0144 0.9971 0.012 0.041 表 4 HDXRF法的精密度、重复性和稳定性测试结果
Table 4. Precision, repeatability and stability evaluation of HDXRF
元素 Cd As 精密度(%) 6.34 3.42 重复性(%) 4.29 6.29 稳定性(%) 7.48 5.31 表 5 ICP-MS法与HDXRF法测试结果比较
Table 5. Comparison of test results between ICP-MS and HDXRF
样品序号 检测方法 元素含量(mg/kg) Cd As 1 ICP-MS 0.217 0.242 HDXRF 0.19 0.28 相对误差(%) −12.4 15.7 2 ICP-MS 0.212 0.069 HDXRF 0.17 0.08 相对误差(%) −18.9 13.0 3 ICP-MS 0.336 0.310 HDXRF 0.39 0.29 相对误差(%) 15.2 −6.5 4 ICP-MS 0.184 0.182 HDXRF 0.21 0.16 相对误差(%) 12.5 −12.1 5 ICP-MS 0.190 0.587 HDXRF 0.20 0.51 相对误差(%) 6.3 −13.5 6 ICP-MS 0.152 0.159 HDXRF 0.17 0.14 相对误差(%) 10.5 −10.7 -
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