Development of Apple Lycium barbarum Wine and Analysis of Volatile Components
摘要: 为增加苹果发酵酒的口感与风味,提升苹果酒的营养价值,以红富士苹果与宁夏枸杞为发酵原料,以总多酚、酒精度及感官品评为主要指标,分别考察安琪果酒酵母(SY)、和谐A酵母(LA AROM)、诺盟B酵母(LA BAYANUS)、卓越XR酵母(EXECLLENCE XR)、诺盟C酵母(LA CEREVISIAE)5株酿酒酵母的发酵能力,并通过单因素实验与正交试验优化苹果枸杞酒发酵工艺,利用气相色谱-质谱联用仪(gas chromatography-mass spectrometry,GC-MS)分析检测苹果枸杞酒的挥发性成分。结果表明,诺盟B酵母发酵速度最快,发酵所得酒体澄清透亮,香味协调,适合于发酵苹果枸杞酒,其最佳工艺条件为:苹果汁与枸杞汁比例为4:1,初始可溶性固形物10°Brix,接种量3%,20 ℃发酵6 d,所得果酒酒精度为5.7%vol,可溶性固形物为6°Brix,还原糖含量2.15 g/L,感官评分为89.6分。在苹果枸杞酒中共检出32种香气成分,包括乙酸乙酯(17.38%)、辛酸乙酯(1.74%)、癸酸乙酯(2.27%)、苯乙醇(28.2%)、对羟基苯乙醇(12.61%)、异戊醇(9.49%)等香味物质,这些香气成分能在一定程度上增加苹果枸杞酒的风味。实验优化了枸杞苹果酒发酵工艺,提升了苹果酒品质,为果酒的生产研发提供基础理论支撑。Abstract: In order to improve flavor and taste and enhance the nutritional value of cider, apple and Lycium barbarum were used as the main raw materials to develop a compound wine. The quality of the wine was analyzed by sensory evaluation, Alcohol and polyphenols. The fermentation ability of Saccharomyces cerevisiae (LA AROM, LA BAYANUS, LA CEREVISIAE, EXECLLENCE XR) were investigated. Optimization of fermentation technology of the wine by single factor experiments and orthogonal experiments. The aroma substances in the wine were analyzed by HS-SPME-GC-MS. The results showed that The fermentation speed of LA BAYANUS was the fastest, and the wine clear and bright, fruity and harmonious. The optimum conditions were determined as follows: The proportion was 4:1, the soluble solids were 10°Brix, initial inoculation of 3%, the sequential fermentation was carried out at 20 ℃, for 6 d. The alcohol content of wine reached 5.7%vol and the soluble solids were 6°Brix, the reducing sugar content was 2.15 g/L and the sensory score was 89.6. A total of 32 aroma substances were detected in the wine by HS-SPME-GC-MS, including ethyl acetate (17.38%), ethyl octanoate (1.74%), ethyl decanoate (2.27%), phenylethyl alcohol (28.2%), p-hydroxyphenylethyl alcohol (12.61%) and isoamyl alcohol (9.49%). This aroma components could increase the flavor of wine. The fermentation technology of wine was optimized and increase the quality. It would provide a theoretical basis for the development of fruit wine.
表 1 正交试验因素水平设计
Table 1. Factors and levels of orthogonal experimental design
水平 因素 A 发酵温度(℃) B 初始糖度(°Brix) C 体积比
(苹果汁:枸杞汁)1 18 8 1:1 2 20 10 3:2 3 22 12 4:1 表 2 感官评价标准
Table 2. Sensory evaluation standard of wine
项目 分值(分) 评价标准 色泽(10分) 7~10 橙红色、金黄色 4~7 红褐色 0~3 褐变色(黑褐色) 澄清度(10分) 7~10 澄清透明 4~7 半透明 0~3 浑浊,有悬浮物 香气(30分) 20~30 果香、酒香浓馥幽雅,协调悦人 10~19 果香、酒香良好,尚悦怡 0~9 果香、酒香较少,但无异香 滋味(20分) 14~20 酒体丰满,有新鲜感、醇厚协调、 舒服,爽口、
回味绵延; 稍酸6~13 酒质柔顺,柔和爽口,有酸味 0~5 酒体协调,纯正无杂,酸味重 典型性(20分) 14~20 风格独特,优雅无缺 6~13 典型明确,风格良好 0~5 有典型性 表 3 苹果枸杞酒正交试验结果
Table 3. Orthogonal test results of apple Lycium barbarum wine
实验号 A B C 空列 感官评分(分) 1 1 1 1 1 80.9 2 1 2 2 2 83.8 3 1 3 3 3 82.5 4 2 1 2 3 85.6 5 2 2 3 1 89.3 6 2 3 1 2 86.6 7 3 1 3 2 82.1 8 3 2 1 3 83.1 9 3 3 2 1 81.9 k1 82.40 82.87 83.53 84.03 k2 87.17 85.40 83.77 84.17 k3 82.37 83.67 84.63 83.73 R 4.80 2.53 1.10 0.43 表 4 正交试验方差分析
Table 4. Variance analysis of orthogonal experiment
方差来源 离差平方和 自由度 F值 P值 显著性 A 45.76 2 154.83 0.006 极显著 B 10.06 2 34.05 0.029 显著 C 2.02 2 6.82 0.128 不显著 D(误差) 0.30 2 表 5 最佳工艺条件下苹果枸杞酒的理化指标
Table 5. Physical and chemical indexes of apple Lycium barbarum wine at optimum fermentation process
检测项目 苹果枸杞酒 苹果酒 总酯(以乙酸乙酯计)(g/L) 2.92 2.55 酒精度(%vol) 5.7 5.6 还原糖(g/L) 2.15 2.54 总酸(以酒石酸计)(g/L) 7.28 6.58 多糖(mg/mL) 1.132 0.538 总多酚(mg/mL) 237.33 255.49 微生物菌落总数(CFU/mL) ≤40 ≤40 大肠杆菌群(CFU/mL) ≤3 ≤3 致病菌 未检出 未检出 感官评分(分) 89.6 80.5 表 6 苹果枸杞酒香气成分组成及相对含量
Table 6. Aromatic composition and relative content of apple Lycium barbarum wine
种类 序号 化合物名称 含量(mg/mL) 果酒中相对含量(%) 酯类 1 乙酸乙酯 1.83 17.38 2 癸酸乙酯 0.24 2.27 3 辛酸乙酯 0.18 1.74 4 9-十六碳烯酸乙酯 0.17 1.61 5 丙位癸内酯 0.14 1.34 6 乙酸苯乙酯 0.13 1.24 7 邻苯二甲酸二乙酯 0.09 0.90 8 9-癸酸乙酯 0.09 0.89 9 十六酸乙酯 0.08 0.74 10 乙酸异戊酯 0.05 0.44 11 十二酸乙酯 0.03 0.33 醇类 1 苯乙醇 2.97 28.20 2 异戊醇 1.00 9.49 4 对羟基苯乙醇 1.33 12.61 5 2-甲基-1-丁醇 0.41 3.91 6 糠醇 0.11 1.07 7 芳樟醇 0.07 0.69 8 2-辛烯-1-醇 0.05 0.52 9 正戊醇 0.05 0.50 10 对羟基苯乙醇 0.05 0.46 11 2-乙基己醇 0.04 0.39 12 对羟基苯乙醇 0.04 0.37 13 松油醇 0.03 0.32 14 1,5,7-辛烷-3-醇 0.02 0.15 其他物质 1 辛酸 0.72 6.83 2 β-紫罗酮 0.17 1.59 3 4-乙基苯酚 0.08 0.79 4 苯甲醛 0.04 0.35 5 苯乙醛 0.03 0.31 6 大马酮 0.01 0.14 7 2-辛醇 0.26 2.43 -
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