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韩琭丛 金听祥 张振亚 王广红 刘建秀

韩琭丛,金听祥,张振亚,等. 火龙果热泵干燥特性及收缩动力学模型分析[J]. 食品工业科技,2023,44(10):242−248. doi: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2022070147
引用本文: 韩琭丛,金听祥,张振亚,等. 火龙果热泵干燥特性及收缩动力学模型分析[J]. 食品工业科技,2023,44(10):242−248. doi: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2022070147
HAN Lucong, JIN Tingxiang, ZHANG Zhenya, et al. Drying Characteristics and Shrinkage Model Analysis of Pitaya Heat Pump Drying[J]. Science and Technology of Food Industry, 2023, 44(10): 242−248. (in Chinese with English abstract). doi: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2022070147
Citation: HAN Lucong, JIN Tingxiang, ZHANG Zhenya, et al. Drying Characteristics and Shrinkage Model Analysis of Pitaya Heat Pump Drying[J]. Science and Technology of Food Industry, 2023, 44(10): 242−248. (in Chinese with English abstract). doi: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2022070147


doi: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2022070147
基金项目: 郑州轻工业大学博士科研基金(2020BSJJ082);河南省科技攻关项目(222102320075);国家自然科学基金联合基金(U190410595);河南省研究生教育创新培养基地项目(YJS2021JD05)。




  • 中图分类号: TS255.3

Drying Characteristics and Shrinkage Model Analysis of Pitaya Heat Pump Drying

  • 摘要: 为了优化火龙果热泵干燥工艺及提升干燥后产品的品质,本文研究了干燥温度、切片厚度和相对湿度对火龙果热泵干燥特性和体积比的影响,并确定了最佳收缩动力学模型,从而可以预测火龙果在不同热泵干燥条件下的体积变化规律。结果表明,干燥温度越高、切片厚度和相对湿度越小,干燥速率越大;其中,干燥温度对干燥速率影响最大,切片厚度影响最小;体积比随干燥温度的升高、切片厚度和相对湿度的减小而减小;对比分析5种薄层干燥模型,Quadratic模型可以精确描述火龙果热泵干燥过程中的体积收缩规律,计算值相对于试验值的平均误差为5.01%;在本文所述热泵干燥条件下,通过阿累尼乌斯方程计算出火龙果的收缩活化能为27.185 kJ/mol。本研究借助体积收缩模型优化热泵干燥工艺参数并获得更合适体积的干制品,可为火龙果在热泵干燥过程中体积收缩规律提供技术支持。


  • 图  不同干燥条件下火龙果水分比和干燥速率曲线

    Figure  1.  Moisture ratio and drying rate curve of pitaya at different drying conditions

    图  不同干燥条件下火龙果体积比曲线

    Figure  2.  Volume ratio curve of pitaya under different drying conditions

    图  实验值与拟合值对比图

    Figure  3.  Comparison between experimental values and fitting values

    图  不同干燥温度下火龙果的收缩活化能

    Figure  4.  Shrinkage activation energy of pitaya at different drying temperatures

    表  1  体积收缩模型

    Table  1.   Volume shrinkage model

    1Exponential$\rm {V_R} = aexp\left( {bMR} \right)$
    2Quadratic$\rm {V_R} = a+bMR{\text{ } }+cM{R^2}$
    3Hatamipour$\rm {V_R} = a+b{\text{MR} }$
    41阶$\rm {V_R} = {V_{R0} }exp\left( { - kt} \right)$
    5Weibull分布函数$\rm { {\text{V} }_{\text{R} } } = exp[ - {\left(\dfrac{t}{\alpha }\right)^\beta }]$
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    表  2  火龙果片热泵干燥过程体积收缩模型的拟合结果

    Table  2.   Fitting results of shrinkage models of pitaya chips during heat pump drying process

    1$\rm {V_R} = aexp\left( {bMR} \right)$0.25380.34880.90990.12560.0047
    Quadratic模型a b c
    1$\rm {V_R} = a+bMR{\text{ } }+cM{R^2}$0.2081 0.2188 −0.00770.98160.02569.86E-4
    20.1961 0.2214 −0.01040.98710.01546.99E-4
    30.1727 0.1549 −9.7E-40.99650.00241.34E-4
    40.1832 0.197 −0.00670.99120.00844.18E-4
    50.2038 0.2217 −0.01160.99020.01185.14E-4
    60.1832 0.195 −0.01080.9960.00311.55E-4
    70.202 0.2099 −0.00630.97690.02740.0011
    1$\rm {V_R} = a+b{\text{MR} }$0.21360.19250.97960.02850.0011
    1$\rm {V_R} = {V_{R0} }exp\left( { - kt} \right)$0.93990.08290.83830.22550.0084
    1$\rm { {\text{V} }_{\text{R} } } = exp[ - {\left(\dfrac{t}{\alpha }\right)^\beta }]$10.91880.78160.88260.16160.0062
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    表  3  参数a、b、c的待定系数值

    Table  3.   Undetermined coefficients of parameters a, b and c

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