Effects of Sodium Citrate, Sodium Tartrate Substitution of Sodium Chloride on the Quality of Squid Surimi Gel
摘要: 本文以不同比例柠檬酸钠(Sodium Citrate,SC)和酒石酸钠(Sodium Tartrate,ST)替代氯化钠(Sodium Chloride,NaCl)制备鱿鱼鱼糜凝胶,通过对其胶凝过程、感官特性、理化性质以及蛋白分子特性等分析,探索有机盐替代对鱿鱼鱼糜凝胶品质的影响。结果表明,当柠檬酸钠、酒石酸钠与NaCl的配比为2:1时,鱿鱼鱼糜凝胶强度、硬度、持水性均显著大于(P<0.05)其它复配组。两种有机盐(SC与ST)与NaCl配比结果表明,鱼糜凝胶的弹性和内聚性与鱼糜凝胶强度变化规律一致。盐复配添加使得鱼糜凝胶中疏水相互作用显著(P<0.05)低于对照组,并在SC、ST与NaCl配比为1:1时,疏水相互作用含量分别达至最低值(0.59、0.43 g/L)。流变学结果可以看出,有机盐添加显著缩短(40~57 ℃缩短至40~52 ℃)鱿鱼鱼糜热诱导过程中由于内源性蛋白酶导致的凝胶劣化。鱼糜凝胶的二级结构结果表明SC、ST与NaCl进行复配,α-螺旋和β-折叠含量呈现上升趋势,β-转角含量在复配比1:1时显著(P<0.05)高于对照组。低场核磁共振结果表明有机盐和NaCl的配比为2:1时,鱼糜凝胶相比其他配比组更容易固定水分,并且自由水含量更少。综上,有机盐和NaCl的配比为2:1时,可在一定程度上代替纯有机盐的添加。Abstract: In this study, the squid surimi gel was prepared by sodium citrate (SC) and sodium tartrate (ST) which substituted of sodium chloride (NaCl) in different proportions and the effect of organic salts on the properties changes of squid surimi gel was investigated through rheological properties, physicochemical properties and protein characteristics. From the results, the gel prepared by addition of organic salt and NaCl by the ratio of 2:1 significantly improved (P<0.05) the gel strength, hardness, and water holding capacity compared to other groups. Meanwhile, the elasticity and cohesiveness of surimi gel were consistent with the change trend of surimi gel strength. The mixed addition of organic salts and NaCl inhibited the generation of hydrophobic interactions, and the inhibition effect reached the minimum value of 0.59 g/L (SC) and 0.43 g/L (ST) when the ratio was 1:1. The results of rheological properties demonstrated that the addition of organic salts significantly shortened (40~57 °C to 40~52 °C) the gel degradation due to endogenous proteases during heat process of squid surimi. The secondary structure results showed that the content of α-helix and β-sheet increased when organic salts were added with NaCl, and the relative content of β-turn was significantly (P<0.05) higher than other groups by the ratio of 1:1. The low-field NMR results showed that when the ratio of organic salt and NaCl was 2:1, the gel contained more immobilized water and less free water than the other groups. All results showed that addition of organic salt and NaCl at ratio of 2:1 could keep the high gel quality of squid and provided the scientific basis to prepare the squid products by using organic salts.
Key words:
- squid /
- surimi /
- organic salt /
- substitution /
- gel properties
表 1 鱼糜凝胶配方
Table 1. Ingredient of surimi gels
处理组(有机盐:NaCl) 2.5%盐(g) 肉(g) 冰水(g) 总量(g) SC(ST) NaCl 1:2 4.17 8.33 426.51 60.99 500 1:1 6.25 6.25 426.51 60.99 500 2:1 8.33 4.17 426.51 60.99 500 表 2 SC和NaCl不同配比下鱿鱼鱼糜凝胶质地特性
Table 2. Texture properties of squid surimi gels with different ratios of SC and NaCl
处理组(有机盐:NaCl) 硬度(N) 粘附性(g·s) 弹性 内聚性 咀嚼性 SC 14.75±0.46a −4.01±0.61a 0.81±0.00b 2.74±0.09a 3326.36±166.79a 1:2 12.41±0.34b −7.24±0.74b 0.82±0.00a 2.62±0.02a 2715.05±65.14b 1:1 12.82±0.38b −7.17±0.86b 0.82±0.00a 2.67±0.11a 2867.15±208.33b 2:1 14.38±0.73a −13.15±0.72c 0.79±0.00c 2.30±0.06b 2668.33±89.79b 注:同列字母不同样品组的质地特性存在显著差异表(P<0.05);表3同。 表 3 ST和NaCl不同配比下鱿鱼鱼糜凝胶质地特性
Table 3. Texture properties of squid surimi gels with different ratios of ST and NaCl
处理组(有机盐:NaCl) 硬度(N) 粘附性(g·s) 弹性 内聚性 咀嚼性 ST 13.56±0.88a −1.92±0.29a 0.81±0.01a 2.91±0.01a 3258.37±181.28a 1:2 11.27±0.70b −13.24±0.66c 0.77±0.00b 2.27±0.10c 2006.89±56.67d 1:1 12.36±0.56ab −7.35±0.55b 0.81±0.01a 2.63±0.09b 2687.67±86.44b 2:1 13.10±0.27a −14.69±1.01d 0.78±0.01b 2.22±0.12c 2318.28±180.24c -
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