Effect of Different Film-forming Temperature on Physicochemical Properties and Microstructure of Sorghum Straw Powder/Nano-ZnO/Polyvinyl Alcohol Nanocomposite Film
摘要: 为提高农林废弃物的利用率及促进新型生物质材料的产业化生产,本文以高粱秸秆粉(Sorghum straw powder,SSP)、纳米ZnO、聚乙烯醇(Polyvinyl alcohol,PVA)等为主要成膜基材,采用共混流延法制备出高粱秸秆粉/纳米ZnO/聚乙烯醇(SSP/Nano-ZnO/PVA,SNP)纳米复合膜,研究SSP的加入及不同成膜温度(75、80、85、90、95 ℃)对SNP纳米复合膜厚度、抗拉强度(Tensile strength,TS)、阻隔性能、微观结构、光谱特性和热性能的影响。结果表明:SSP的加入能提高SNP纳米复合膜TS、阻隔性能及热性能;随着成膜温度的升高,SNP纳米复合膜TS和阻隔性能先变好后变差,当成膜为85 ℃时,SNP纳米复合膜性能最好(TS=31.22 MPa最大,水蒸气透过系数=1.32×10−12 g/(cm·s·Pa)、水溶性=36.41%、溶胀度=238.41%最小),并通过SEM、AFM、FT-IR、TG分析表明该温度下SNP纳米复合膜表面光滑,截面致密,各基质间具有良好的相容性且热稳定性较好,综合性能优于其他成膜温度下的纳米复合膜。Abstract: In order to improve the utilization of agricultural and forestry waste and promote the industrial production of new biomass materials, sorghum straw powder (SSP), nano-ZnO, polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) were used as the main film matrix and sorghum straw powder/nano-ZnO/polyvinyl alcohol (SSP/Nano-ZnO/PVA, SNP) nanocomposite films were prepared by blending casting method in this research. The effects of SSP addition and different film-forming temperatures (75, 80, 85, 90, 95 ℃) on the thickness, tensile strength (TS), barrier properties, microstructure, spectral properties and thermal properties of SNP nanocomposite films were investigated. The results showed that the addition of SSP could improve the TS, barrier properties and thermal properties of the SNP nanocomposite films. With the increase of the film-forming temperature, the TS and barrier properties of the SNP nanocomposite films increased first and decreased later. When the film forming temperature was 85 ℃, SNP nanocomposite film exhibited the best comprehensive performance with maximum TS (31.22 MPa) and minimum water vapor transmission coefficient (1.32×10−12 g/(cm·s·Pa)), water soluble (36.41%) and swelling degree (238.41%). The SEM, AFM, FT-IR and TG analyses showed that the SNP nanocomposite film had a smooth surface, dense cross-section, good compatibility between the substrates and good thermal stability, and overall performance (better than other film-forming temperatures of nanocomposite films).
表 1 NP膜和不同成膜温度制备的SNP膜粗糙度参数
Table 1. Roughness parameters of NP films and SNP films prepared with different film-forming temperatures
膜样品 粗糙度参数 Ra(nm) Rq(nm) NP 16 21.32 75 ℃ SNP 54.1 67.79 80 ℃ SNP 27.14 35.8 85 ℃ SNP 19.44 26.91 90 ℃ SNP 51.71 60.74 95 ℃ SNP 51.78 62.82 -
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