Application of Nanomaterials in Preservation of Ginseng, Vegetable and Fruit
摘要: 近年来纳米材料发展迅速,由于其具有易加工、韧性强、能吸附和抑菌活性强等优良特性,在果疏等食品保鲜方面应用广泛。本文从纳米材料的制备及特性,人参、蔬菜和水果等食品的纳米涂膜复合保鲜和纳米包装材料保鲜等方面进行综述,通过与普通保鲜材料对比发现了纳米涂膜保鲜材料和纳米包装保鲜材料的强抑菌活性、高抗氧化活性、高VC和叶绿素保持率、低失重率、绿色环保、易降解和抑制木质化劣变现象等优势。纳米保鲜材料主要通过形成高CO2高湿和低O2的环境,减弱呼吸作用,降低食品腐烂率,延长食品货架期。此外纳米保鲜材料还存在纳米迁移和细胞毒性等问题,未来要加强对纳米材料的安全性能评价,期望本文为纳米材料在人参等食品保鲜中的应用提供科技支撑。Abstract: Nanomaterials have developed rapidly in recent years and have been widely used in the preservation of foods such as fruit and vegetable because of their easy processing, toughness, ability to adsorb and strong antibacterial activity. This paper reviews the preparation and characteristics of nano materials, the preservation of ginseng, vegetable and fruit by nano-coating and nano-packaging materials. By comparing with ordinary preservation materials, the strong antibacterial activity, high antioxidant activity, high vitamin C and chlorophyll retention, low weight loss rate, green environment, easy degradation and inhibition of lignification deterioration of nano-coated film preservation materials and nano-packaging preservation materials are highlighted. The advantages of nano-packaging preservation materials can reduce the rate of food spoilage and prolong the shelf life of food by forming an environment with high CO2, high humidity and low O2, which weakens respiration. In addition, nano-preservation materials have problems such as nano-migration and cytotoxicity, and the evaluation of the safety performance of nanomaterials should be strengthened in the future. This paper provides scientific and technological support for the application of nanomaterials in the preservation of ginseng and other food.
Key words:
- nano material /
- food preservation /
- ginseng /
- vegetable /
- fruit
表 1 普通包装材料与纳米包装材料优缺点的对比
Table 1. Comparison of advantages and disadvantages of ordinary packaging materials and nano-packaging materials
表 2 四种纳米复合保鲜材料制备方法优缺点的对比
Table 2. Comparison of advantages and disadvantages of the four preparation methods of nano-composite preservation materials
表 3 不同人参保鲜方法对比
Table 3. Comparison of different methods of ginseng preservation
保鲜方 法 保鲜材料的组成 保鲜温度 保鲜时间 保鲜效果 参考文献 沙藏保鲜 土壤、蛭石和珍珠岩 4 ℃ 6 个月 珍珠岩保鲜人参中皂苷、蛋白含量较高, 参体外观品相完好,
具有成活能力;SOD酶和POD酶活性较低[26] 气调保鲜 聚氯乙烯膜 0 ℃ 210 d 抑制呼吸速率,降低质量损失率和腐烂率,总皂苷、还原糖和果胶含量较高 [27] 涂膜保鲜 海藻酸钠、柠檬酸、肉桂精油等 4 ℃
25 ℃150 d 4 °C保鲜人参失重率较低,总皂苷含量较25 °C高 [28] 辐照保鲜 60Co-γ或2和4 kGy电子束 2 ℃ 120 d 2 kGy电子束失重率较低,人参总皂苷和氨基酸含量最高 [29] 纳米涂层保鲜 壳聚糖和纳米ZnO 5 ℃ / 抑菌效果好,未包衣的4周出现霉菌,包衣的6周内未出现,
6周时微生物浓度低于微生物限值[30] 表 4 蔬菜纳米保鲜包装材料的保鲜效果对比
Table 4. Comparison of fresh-keeping effect of vegetable nano fresh-keeping packaging materials
纳米保鲜包装材料组成 保鲜蔬菜种类 保鲜条件 保鲜时间 保鲜效果 参考文献 纳米银、纳米TiO2、高岭土和PE 生菜 温度:4 ℃ 14 d 质量损失率、丙二醛含量、多酚氧化酶比活力低于
普通包装,VC和叶绿素含量高于对照组[36] 纳米银、纳米TiO2、纳米凹凸棒土、纳米SiO2和PE 双孢菇 温度:4±0.5 ℃
相对湿度:90%±5%10 d 较好地保持双孢菇的质地,抑制子实体的自溶、
木质化劣变的现象,延长贮藏时间[37] 纳米TiO2和聚乳酸膜 油菜 温度:23 ℃ 8 d 抑菌性能强,呼吸速率和腐烂率低于聚乳酸膜对照组 [38] 魔芋葡甘聚糖/角叉菜胶纳米SiO2 双孢菇 温度:4±1 ℃ 12 d 减少了水分和气体的转移,降低了双胞菇的
呼吸,延缓衰老和质量恶化[40] 表 5 纳米涂膜保鲜在水果保鲜中的研究对比
Table 5. Comparison of studies on the preservation of fruits by nano coating
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