Improving Technology for High Content Potato Noodle with Three Additives Based on Entropy Weight Method
摘要: 为优化马铃薯全粉挂面改良工艺,论文首先以高筋小麦粉、马铃薯全粉为主要原料,利用单因素结合正交试验设计和熵权法,探究大豆分离蛋白、瓜尔豆胶、谷氨酰胺转氨酶对马铃薯全粉挂面感官品质和蒸煮特性的影响,再利用熵权法分析挂面最佳干燥温度。结果表明,3种改良剂(大豆分离蛋白、瓜尔豆胶、谷氨酰胺转氨酶)均对38%马铃薯全粉挂面的蒸煮特性和感官品质有较好的改善作用。对挂面感官品质和综合得分的影响程度由大到小依次为大豆分离蛋白、瓜尔豆胶、谷氨酰胺转氨酶,最优配方为大豆分离蛋白6%、瓜尔豆胶0.9%、谷氨酰胺转氨酶1.5%。挂面综合得分0.2028,感官评分达84.83分。熵权法综合评价干燥过程中挂面感官评分、蒸煮损失率、吸水率、硬度、弹性和咀嚼性,发现干燥温度70℃时挂面品质最佳,感官评分 84.67±0.40,蒸煮损失率8.79%±0.03%,吸水率140.33%±1.52%,硬度(4.29±0.11)N,熟断条率为0%。单因素、正交设计试验结合熵权法能很好综合评价马铃薯挂面品质,该工艺条件下挂面综合品质高。Abstract: The aim of the article was to optimize the processing technology of potato flour noodles. High gluten wheat flour and potato powder were used as the main raw materials. The single factor experiment, orthogonal design experiment and entropy weight methods were adopted to explore the effect of soybean protein isolate, transglutaminase and guar gum on potato noodle. The results showed that the cooking characteristics and sensory quality of 38% potato noodle were improved by the three modifiers. The order of the factors affecting the sensory quality of potato noodle from big to small was soybean protein isolate, guar gum, glutamine transaminase, respectively. The best formulation was obtained by combining range analysis and entropy weight method, which was 6% soy protein isolate, 0.9% guar gum and 1.5% transglutaminase. According to the above formula, the potato noodle had a comprehensive score of 0.2028, a sensory score of 84.83. The entropy weight method comprehensively was used to evaluate the general quality of dried noodles including sensory score, cooking loss rate, water absorption rate, hardness, elasticity and chewiness quality. It was found that the optimum drying temperature was 70 ℃, the sensory score was 84.67±0.40, cooking loss rate was 8.79%±0.03%, water absorption was 140.33%±1.52%, hardness was (4.29±0.11) N and the cooked breaking rate was 0%. Single factor, orthogonal design experiment combined with entropy weight method could comprehensively evaluate the quality of potato noodle, and the comprehensive quality of potato noodle was higher under this technological condition.
Key words:
- potato /
- dried noodle /
- soybean protein isolate /
- guar gum /
- transglutaminase /
- technology
表 1 正交试验因素水平设计
Table 1. Factors and levels for orthogonal design experiment
水平 因素 大豆分离蛋白添加量(A,%) 瓜尔胶添加量(B,%) 谷氨酰胺转氨酶添加量(C,%) 1 4.0 0.9 1.0 2 6.0 1.2 1.5 3 8.0 1.5 2.0 表 2 感官评定评分标准
Table 2. Standard of sensory evaluation
项目 分值(分) 评分标准 色泽 10 挂面呈奶黄色,光亮为7.5~10分;亮度一般为5~7.4分;颜色发暗发灰,亮度差为1~4.9分 表观状态 10 挂面表面结构细密、光滑透亮为7.5~10分;处于中间态为5.0~7.4分;表面粗糙、膨胀、变形严重为1~4.9分 软硬度 20 用牙齿咬断一根挂面需要的力道,力道适中为16~20分;稍偏硬或偏软为11~15分;太硬或太软为1~10分 韧性 25 咀嚼挂面时,富有弹性有咬劲为20~25分;一般为14~19分;弹性不足,咬劲差或很硬为1~13分 粘性 25 咀嚼时不粘牙、爽口为20~25分;较爽口、稍粘牙为14~19分;发粘、不爽口为10~13分 光滑性 5 口感光滑为4.2~5分;光滑程度一般为2~4.1分;光滑程度差为1~1.9分 食味 5 品尝时具有小麦的清香味和马铃薯的香味4.2~5分;基本无异味为2~4.1分;有异味为1~1.9分 表 3 大豆分离蛋白对马铃薯挂面感官评分和蒸煮特性的影响
Table 3. Effects of soybean protein isolate on sensory score and cooking characteristics of potato noodles
大豆分离蛋白含量(%) 感官评分(分) 蒸煮损失率(%) 熟断条率(%) 最佳蒸煮时间(min) 吸水率(%) 0 62.30±1.45d 33.38±0.98a 47.50±2.50a 3.17±0.06c 145.00±1.73d 2 74.93±1.66c 18.46±0.41c 14.17±1.44b 5.50±0.10b 155.67±1.24b 4 76.50±1.47c 15.55±0.44d 0.83±1.44d 5.14±0.11b 163.67±2.51a 6 81.93±0.91a 15.25±0.21d 0.00±0.00d 5.35±0.09b 154.67±2.09b 8 79.13±0.68b 16.20±1.51d 1.67±1.44d 5.57±0.09b 153.66±1.15bc 10 74.77±0.67c 20.07±1.66b 11.67±1.44c 6.36±0.11a 151.33±1.52c 注:同列数字肩注相同字母表示不显著(P>0.05);同列数字肩注不相同字母表示差异显著(P<0.05);表2~表3同。 表 4 瓜尔豆胶对马铃薯挂面感官评分和蒸煮特性的影响
Table 4. Effects of guar gum on sensory score and cooking characteristics of potato noodles
瓜尔豆胶含量(%) 感官评分(分) 蒸煮损失率(%) 熟断条率(%) 最佳蒸煮时间(min) 吸水率(%) 0 62.30±1.45d 33.38±0.98a 47.50±2.50a 3.14±0.11d 145.01±1.00a 0.3 69.93±1.23c 14.82±0.51b 4.17±1.44b 4.67±0.14c 143.04±2.01ab 0.6 70.50±0.98c 14.18±0.82b 0.00±0.00d 5.43±0.12b 142.00±1.00b 0.9 80.70±1.22a 9.76±1.03d 2.50±2.50bc 5.42±0.11b 139.67±0.58c 1.2 78.80±1.23ab 9.44±1.48d 0.83±1.44cd 6.60±0.10a 137.67±1.53c 1.5 78.13±2.06b 12.23±1.28c 0.00±0.00d 5.55±0.18b 133.67±1.52d 表 5 谷氨酰胺转氨酶对马铃薯挂面感官评分和蒸煮特性的影响
Table 5. Effects of glutamine aminotransferase on sensory score and cooking characteristics of potato noodles
谷氨酰胺转氨酶含量(%) 感官评分(分) 蒸煮损失率(%) 熟断条率(%) 最佳蒸煮时间(min) 吸水率(%) 0.0 62.30±1.45e 33.38±0.98a 47.50±2.51a 3.23±0.13d 145.00±2.64d 0.5 68.07±0.42d 9.90±1.01d 18.50±3.77b 3.50±0.00c 154.67±1.52c 1.0 73.13±0.91c 11.63±0.58c 6.67±2.89c 4.12±0.03b 163.33±2.08b 1.5 77.16±1.32b 9.85±0.16d 1.67±1.44d 4.33±0.14a 170.67±2.51a 2.0 79.47±0.61a 13.44±0.76b 0.83±1.44d 4.21±0.10ab 166.00±2.64b 2.5 72.93±1.66c 14.29±1.20b 7.50±5.00c 4.20±0.05ab 155.67±2.52c 表 6 正交试验设计及结果
Table 6. Design and results of orthogonal experiment
实验号 A B C 蒸煮损失率
(分)综合得分 1 1 1 1 10.13 78.23 0.0693 2 1 2 2 9.08 79.73 0.1192 3 1 3 3 8.40 76.90 0.0867 4 2 1 2 9.23 84.83 0.2028 5 2 2 3 9.45 80.30 0.1204 6 2 3 1 8.18 83.14 0.1983 7 3 1 3 9.30 79.30 0.1068 8 3 2 1 9.90 78.21 0.0743 9 3 3 2 10.88 76.52 0.0227 蒸煮损失率 K1 27.61 28.66 28.21 K2 26.86 28.43 29.19 K3 30.08 27.46 27.15 k1 9.20 9.55 9.40 k2 8.95 9.48 9.73 k3 10.03 9.15 9.05 R 1.08 0.40 0.68 优水平 A2 B3 C3 感官评分 K1 234.80 242.34 239.50 K2 248.21 238.20 241.12 K3 234.11 236.55 236.56 k1 78.27 80.77 79.83 k2 82.73 79.40 80.33 k3 78.76 78.83 78.33 R 4.73 1.93 1.53 优水平 A2 B1 C2 综合得分 K1 0.2761 0.3856 0.3341 K2 0.5182 0.3173 0.3561 K3 0.2057 0.2971 0.3148 k1 0.0920 0.1285 0.1113 k2 0.1727 0.1058 0.1187 k3 0.0686 0.0873 0.1049 R 0.1041 0.0412 0.0138 优水平 A2 B1 C2 表 7 干燥温度对马铃薯挂面感官评分、蒸煮和质构特性的影响
Table 7. Effects of drying temperature on sensory score, cooking characteristics and texture of potato noodles
温度(℃) 感官评分(分) 蒸煮损失率(%) 最佳蒸煮时间(min) 吸水率(%) 硬度(N) 弹性(mm) 咀嚼性(mJ) 综合得分 40 82.70±0.46c 9.09±0.04a 4.17±0.14e 142.67±1.53c 3.61±0.41bc 1.80±0.06bc 1.23±0.05bc 0.1062 50 83.47±0.50b 9.10±0.03a 4.83±0.14d 144.01±1.00c 3.09±0.21d 1.92±0.05ab 2.27±0.07c 0.1604 60 84.85±0.21a 8.86±0.03c 5.25±0.09c 143.05±1.00c 3.87±0.31ab 1.94±0.02ab 1.48±0.06b 0.2248 70 84.67±0.40a 8.79±0.03d 5.58±0.14b 140.33±1.52d 4.29±0.11a 2.00±0.04a 1.27±0.12d 0.2393 80 83.67±0.15b 8.89±0.04c 5.75±0.11b 147.00±1.01b 3.21±0.10c 1.72±0.08c 1.19±0.13c 0.1464 90 83.60±0.26b 8.98±0.04b 6.00±0.11a 150.67±1.11a 3.39±0.23c 1.64±0.03c 0.95±0.04a 0.1317 -
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