摘要: Gorham-Stout综合征是一种以骨质溶解为特征性改变的罕见疾病,部分可伴发乳糜胸。本文报道一例因腹腔积液就诊于北京协和医院消化内科的Gorham-Stout综合征患者,通过淋巴管显像证实其乳糜腹的产生途径,以提高临床医生对该疾病的认识。
- Gorham-Stout综合征 /
- 乳糜胸 /
- 乳糜腹
Abstract: Gorham-Stout syndrome is a rare disease characterized by osteolysis, in which idiopathic intraosseous angiomatous proliferation leads to progressive resorption of bone. Chylothorax can be associated with Gorham-Stout syndrome in some cases, but chyloperitoneum is seldom seen. This paper reports a case of Gorham-stout syndrome that was admitted to the gastroenterology department because of ascites. The way of chyloperitoneum formation was confirmed by lymphangiography.-
Key words:
- Gorham-Stout syndrome /
- chylothorax /
- chyloperitoneum
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